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Free HTC M8 & Iphone 6 To All Users - Limited Time - Dont Miss your chance !!

Тема в разделе "БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ РАЗДАЧИ", создана пользователем penepe, 2/12/14.

  1. penepe

    penepe Новый пользоатель

    Hello Mates,

    Today im sharing you a offer for Free HTC M8 & Iphone 6 To All Users - Limited Time - Dont Miss your chance !!
    This is limited time offer so don't miss your change .. Grab your HTC M8 /Iphone 6 today .. There is no any type of fees or charges .. Its absolutely free offer to our all users here you just need to complete a short condition ..

    If you want to get it simply checkout the link : http://www.bitshacking.com/forum/ge...users-limited-time-dont-miss-your-chance.html

    Enjoy the free phone offer :)


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